Fig. S4. Functional analysis of honey bee brain gene expression with Gene Ontology (GO). (A) GO categories significantly associated with one or more of the gene lists generated in Experiments 1-3 (see Table 1) on the basis of a “directional bias” within a particular GO category, i.e., a disproportionately high number of genes in a category that were either up- or down-regulated in one of our gene lists (p < 0.001; Chi-squared tests with Yates’ continuity correction). Numbers in parentheses indicate number of genes analyzed in each GO category (exact number differed between the 3 microarray experiments; minimum is shown). PCA gene lists are the upper and lower 10% for each PC based on scaled gene loadings (polarity is arbitrary). P-values (for significant gene lists) and percentiles (for PCs) were chosen to produce gene lists of comparable sizes. (B) Representational bias **not formatted yet**