Table 1. Number
of genes showing significant expression differences in the honey bee brain as a
function of ontogenetic, genetic, environmental, and physiological factors
(Experiments 1-3). Gene lists available
at: http://www.beespace.uiuc.edu/
lists estimated to contain 5% false positives using false discovery rate (FDR)
step-up method (19). bFocal
bees were from 6 ontogenetic groups: 0-1 hr post-eclosion (d1), bees from the
center of the colony (brood area) at 4, 8, 12 and 17 days of age (d4, d8, d12
and d17) and 16- or 17-day old foragers (F). cFocal
bees were from 2 subspecies: A. m.
ligustica and A. m. mellifera. dFocal
bees were co-fostered together in 2 host colonies (see Methods). eAll tests
were contrasts (t tests) between
treatment and vehicle control, except cGMP vs. cAMP. fOne-tailed
t test. Null hypothesis is that
“hive-restricted” vs. F differences in gene expression are not in the same
direction as [d8, 12 & 17] vs. F differences; only genes significant in the
latter contrast at p < 0.001 were
considered. |