Supplementary Tables and Figures Table S1. Significance values of
principal components (PCs) for ontogeny, subspecies and colony. Significance (p-value)
of experimental parameters is indicated for the first 9 PCs. Ontogeny was
primarily associated with PC1 and 2, while subspecies was primarily associated
with PC3. Although PC1 and 2 were strongly associated with pre-foraging
maturation and the hive bee to forager transition, they were not associated
with age differences within hive bees after 8 days of age (p > 0.1). Colony was significant for several PCs within the
mature hive bee group and probably corresponded to environmental differences.
Indicated p-values were corrected
using a conservative family-wise adjustment for the 9 PCs tested (Holmes).
Multivariate tests of global gene expression (‡) were conducted using the first
9 PCs. The first 9 PCs were retained for analyses based on 3 criteria:
explanation of arbitrary threshold of variance (80%); retention of PCs with
eigenvalues greater than the average eigenvalue; and inspection of variance
plot (Fig. 1a) for a natural break between “large” and “small” eigenvalues.
aTwo-way ANOVA with factors ontogeny and subspecies, using 72
bees collected from field colonies; ontogeny df = 5; subspecies df = 1. The
interaction term, ontogeny × subspecies, was marginally significant only for
PC3 (p = 0.051). bThree-way ANOVA with factors ontogeny, subspecies, and trial,
using only the 29 “mature hive bees” from Fig. 1b; ontogeny: df = 2; subspecies
df = 1; host colony df = 1. Several significant interactions were detected in
PCs 5 – 9 (p < 0.05). cMultivariate ANOVA (MANOVA) using PC1 – 9; Pillai-Bartlett
statistic. For 2-way MANOVA: ontogeny df0 = 45, df1 = 280; subspecies df0 = 9,
df1 = 52; the interaction term, ontogeny × subspecies, was marginally
significant (p = 0.055). For 3-way
MANOVA: ontogeny df0 = 18, df1 = 22; subspecies df0 = 9, df1 = 10; host colony
df0 = 9, df1 = 10; significant interactions were subspecies × host colony (p = 0.0007) and ontogeny × host colony (p = 0.031). |