University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Search title
Peptide database
Please enter the spectrum in submission box
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MS/MS Search Parameters
Measurment error (s)
     Precursor mass tolerance
     Fragment mass tolerance
Isotopic mass type  monoisotopic  average
Maximum precursor charge
Minimum number of m/z peaks, hs
Maximum number of ions per series, sp
Minimum number of m/z matches, hm
Intense peaks matched, ht
Maximum valid expectation value, he
Maximum hits reported, hl
Ions to search, i  a ions  b ions  c ions
 x ions  y ions  z ions
Post-Translational Modifications (PTMs)
Amidation Acetyl (n-term) Phosphorylation of S Methyl H
Deamidation Oxidation of M Phosphorylation of T Pyroglutamination (n-term E)
Sulfation of Y Oxidation of H Methyl K Pyroglutamination (n-term Q)
Acetyl K Oxidation of W Methyl R Dehydration